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Financial services

Real-time company

Understand company performance through intelligent management reporting.

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Management reports
linked to investment objectives

Applying for working capital has been a manual and tedious process for banks and businesses. With Oktria's management reporting system, banks can share required KPI's and businesses can benefit from real-time credit scoring and instant working capital approval.

For the BANK  | Working capital toolset

AI automated analysis linked to live ERP data

Apply artificial intelligence to “What if” scenarios to better predict the performance of a business, allowing the bank to make quicker and more accurate working capital decisions. 

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Reduce application time for working capital

Share required KPIs with the business digitally

Gain insight from live business performance

Reduce risk and offer dynamic interest rates live

Drive mutually beneficial financial behaviour

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For the BUSINESS | Management reporting software

Your AI business guidance system

Connect daily, monthly, and quarterly reports to a single source of truth. This ensures that the business cases and reports produced by your teams are aligned, so that any changes to budget lines or targets are immediately communicated to all relevant parties.

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AI can help predict future company performance

The ability to set custom KPIs with weighted targets connected to live actuals, enables AI models to learn and predict future company performance. Chat GPT gives us a good understanding of the context outside of the company, while Oktria understands the context within a company. 

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Create and record strategy, business case and every pivot

Keep record of every strategy, business case and key performance indicator (KPI) - enabling your organisation to learn from the past and (with use of Oktria’s ML engine) predict future performance linked to new strategies and business cases.

Create reports linked to business case

Oktria management reports auto populate with live data from other systems and provide guidance with embedded AI predictions this saves time and provides insight and speed up business processes.

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